Volunteers can use their volunteer experience with Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis, to collect community service hours for high school, college, & some court-ordered offenses. NOTE: Depending on the reason for community service hours, the requirements may vary. See below for detailed information and instructions.

High School, College, Trades and Other Non Court-Ordered Community Service

  1. High school students volunteering for school-required community service, please contact the Volunteer Services Department below or call 314-371-0400.
  2. Sign-in on the build site, in the warehouse, at the administrative offices or in the ReStore.
  3. Ask for an orange timecard at sign-in.
  4. Log and date your hours on the timecard; on the build site, have a house leader, crew leader, crew leader trainee, task leader, or Habitat staff member initial your card at the end of the day. At the ReStore, a manager will initial your card at the end of the day/shift.
  5. Keep your card to log all required hours you need to accrue (several days can be logged on one card).
  6. Once you are ready to get a validation letter, follow the instructions under the Receiving a Validation Letter section.


Contact us

Court Ordered Community Service

All potential court ordered volunteers must click HERE to schedule the first part of their screening.

  1. All court-ordered community service volunteers are required to submit proper documentation prior to being able to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis.
  2. Individuals not able to volunteer with us are those who have been charged with or plead guilty to one of any of the following offenses, including but not limited to: Armed Robbery, Assault, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping, Arson, Robbery, and Statutory Offenses (Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, and Rape).
  3. Individuals charged with or having pleaded guilty to the following offenses can be approved on a case by case basis. These include but are not limited to: DWI, DUI, Drug Possession, Drug Sale Offenses, Violation of Probation, Burglary or Theft.
  4. If you are approved then you must submit documentation from the Courts, a Lawyer, or Probation/Parole Officer that states your name, the specific offense and the required amount of hours to be served. This can be emailed, faxed or mailed to Beckie Fingland (contact information below).
  5. You must have a validated yellow timecard from Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis, prior to volunteering. Schedule a time to come in and pick up a validated yellow timecard to track your hours. For the time card to be validated, you must set up a meeting with Volunteer Services to receive the time card that is signed, dated, and stamped prior to your first day of volunteering.
  6. Hours volunteered prior to the Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis validated, signed, and dated time card WILL NOT be counted towards court-ordered community service hours as they were not approved prior to volunteering by Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis.
    • The approval process can take up to 3-4 days to be completed. We may not be able to accommodate volunteers needing to start immediately.
  7. For all of the details on court-ordered community service volunteering download our Court Ordered Community Service Policies & Procedures (Download PDF). Once you have completed your hours and are ready to get a validation letter, follow the instructions under the Receiving a Validation Letter section.


Receiving a Validation Letter

Once you have reached your desired number of hours mail, fax (both sides) or drop off your card to: Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis, Attn: Volunteer Services, 3830 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63118 or fax 314-371-0440 (Use this contact information to send all other required documentation as well). Your request will be processed within two weeks of receipt and a letter will be mailed or faxed to the address given. Note: We cannot guarantee a response for an immediate letter, however we will work with you to the best of our abilities, depending on available staff.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Validation letters will not be sent without Habitat having received your timecard.