AAA Missouri Challenges YOU!

AAA Missouri believes in the mission of Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis and knows local investment matters. For over 100 years, AAA Missouri has given back to the local community. This year, over 75 AAA Missouri volunteers worked alongside Habitat Saint Louis staff, volunteers, and Habitat partner families to log 700 volunteer hours this year. Now they want to challenge our community to invest with the Habitat mission locally.

That’s why AAA Missouri’s challenging you and our greater community to make a gift online to Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis between December 16th through December 31st and they will match it dollar for dollar up to $25,000 for donations made online.

Every gift from friends like you will doubled by the AAA Missouri, helping ensure we can keep building affordable housing for working families here in our shared greater St. Louis community.

Make your donation online below and help invest in local hard-working families

Donate now and make your gift go even further thanks to AAA Missouri’s match!
